In this second volume of the life of James Paul Taylor, James faces an uncertain future. His beloved wife has passed away, leaving him with five young children (including a newborn) to care for and no idea how to do it. He moves home to Louisiana to beg for his parents’ help and forgiveness. The choices James makes throughout his life in Louisiana are not good, but he still manages to find love and hope.

This volume of James’ life is filled with tragedy and a search for escape from a life he doesn’t know how to live. The people in James’ life – his father, his best friend, and his second wife – are terrible people. But their influence and effect on his life are profound. It is ultimately the love of his family and his decision to turn to God that brings joy back into his life.

Eleanor Liggens has written the second volume of this young man with great love and kindness for her title character. It seems clear that this is more than just a fictional tale, but perhaps the story of a loved one. She handles his poor choices and his ill-treatment of his family with kindness and understanding. I can only hope there is a third volume where we will learn of his later life and the reparations he has made.