This beautifully written novel centers around Ken Newman, a man whose world crumbled when he lost his high-paying corporate management job. Adrift and uncertain about his next steps, he embarks on a journey from the Pacific Northwest to Washington D.C. to seek solace with relatives. Along the way, he seeks refuge at a remote resort for a night’s respite, where he crosses paths with Vicki, the owner.

Upon sharing his story with Vicki, she extends an impromptu job offer. The narrative unfolds against the backdrop of 1980, a time when racial prejudice was even more pronounced and unabashed than it is today. Ken grapples with the dilemma of accepting a job in an all-white region of the country. Reluctant to relocate to a bustling city, and bolstered by Vicki’s unwavering support, Ken decides to give it a chance. However, what awaits him is deafening silence, anger, and palpable hostility from those who are meant to be his colleagues. The story that unfolds is full of deception, hidden agendas, romance, and deceit, and Kenny grapples with a profound dilemma: should he confront the hurdles that stand before him or make the choice to walk away from it all? This book is well-written, heartfelt, and easy to read. Highly recommend!