“James: A Young Man with an Unplanned Future” by Eleanor Liggens is a literary journey that leaves an indelible mark on the heart. Through the vivid prose and emotionally charged storytelling, Liggens transports us to a bygone era, the 1950s South, where the lives of the characters are painted against a backdrop of prejudice, love, […]


“James: A Young Man with an Unplanned Future” is the first of two novels that follow the life of James Paul Taylor, a young black man in a small southern town. The story opens with James and his pregnant girlfriend, Theola, running away from their small town to seek opportunities in Chicago. As the narrative […]


This book is a captivating novel that explores themes of racism, family, identity, and the power of love. Liggens does a fantastic job of creating complex and believable characters, and her writing is both beautiful and powerful. The novel follows James Paul Taylor, a young man whose life is changed when his girlfriend Theola informs […]