
I had a very good time reading this book. It’s a fictional account of the Book of Esther, a story I’m very familiar with from the Hebrew Bible. This version takes a lot of the information gathered from the text and presents it as an epic tale of political intrigue, betrayal, love, and heroism. The […]

“Eleanor Liggens’ ‘Esther: The Peasant Girl Who Saved a Nation’ is a literary gem that takes us on a mesmerising journey through time and history. Within its pages, we encounter the remarkable tale of Esther, a young girl whose unwavering courage and faith changed the destiny of a nation.From the very first chapter, where the […]

“Esther: The Peasant Girl Who Saved a Nation” tells the story of a young peasant girl named Esther who becomes queen. Her uncle, Mordecai, offends the palace’s Chief of Security, Hamman, which sets off the actions of the novel. Mordecai’s unwillingness to bow to a man of his equal angers Hamman, who seeks revenge. But […]

“Esther: The Peasant Girl Who Saved a Nation” is an intriguing take on the biblical story of a Jewish woman named Esther who became a queen in the Persian empire. Esther is known for being instrumental in saving her people from the attempted genocide of an ambitious man with malicious and cruel intentions against the […]

Oh, do I love this book. I read it in one sitting, which hasn’t happened with many books as of late. BUT, this one has it all–great characters, plot, and stakes. The heroine is a strong young girl who is up against the odds when she’s chosen to be a queen and then, upon finding […]